There are several different MLS's in Alaska, restricting you from listing statewide

Alaska State MLS Was Created To Remove Those Restrictions!

Anywhere You're Licensed, List For Less Than Your Local MLS!

A stunning vista of yellow wildflowers in the foreground and majestic mountains in the distance depicts the beauty of Alaska's challenging environments.
The Most Versatile MLS To Date

Alaska State MLS, a MyState MLS product, allows you to list any property type, from manufactured housing to commercial or residential, anywhere you have a license for one cheap fee! Members can also get help with IDX and their websites.

Three joyful sea otters laying on their backs in calm waters, taking a minute to relax in their natural environment.
Dozens of Marketing & Recruitment Tools

Alaska State MLS improves your bottom line by providing digital and conventional marketing materials, as well as recruitment resources!

A little boat floats near the massive front of a glacier, demonstrating the size and grandeur of Alaska's frozen landscapes.
A Better Way To Do Business

Alaska State MLS provides members with dozens of hours of sales, marketing, and process training, as well as award-winning customer service, giving you control over who sees your listing data and how it is syndicated to potential buyers!

Real Estate Pro's Testimonials Of Alaska State MLS

Real Estate Professional Lister
"Alaska's Statewide MLS, definitely increased exposure on my listings, enough that I started getting a few more calls a week per listing!"
Tomas Sanders
Real Estate Broker Black And White Headshot
"Alaska State MLS is so easy to use and they don't burden you with all the nonsense that other MLSs engage in.”
Patrick Hurtsburg
“Hard to pick a favorite aspect of using Alaska State MLS but, I'd have to state the nationwide search is better than I could've imagined"
Raymond Silverman

Perks of Your AKStateMLS membership

145+ consumer-facing real estate websites + international syndication
Get an Instant Cash Offer for your listing
Access to Nationwide Pro Search for Real Estate Pros
List virtually all property types with custom fields
HD Photos, Virtual Tours, and Marketing brochures, branded for your company. We also send drip e-mail campaigns for your listing searches.
IDX, data feed & custom website option. Get more listings and leads for your website
Ownership & control of your data. We don't claim your data. Your listing your lead from our public site.
No boards to join. Your entire office does not have to join for you to be a member. We don't charge for broker participation.
Flexible payment terms - choose from monthly or yearly. Discounts for yearly memberships & when your whole office signs up.